jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Llevaba ya tiempo preguntándome qué hacer con mis carpetas de bonitas fotos sobre la misa, ornamentos sagrados y celebraciones litúrgicas en general.
Me daba pena tenerlas para mí solo. Eran tan bonitas y, sin embargo, yacían guardadas en los desvanes ocultos de mi ordenador.
Hoy he decidido darles salida en forma de blog. Un blog que no voy a actualizar diariamente, ni mucho menos. Pero donde iré volcando tanta belleza, belleza que lleva a Dios.
Sólo me queda deciros que el blog se llama Fortearius y que ésta es su dirección
Una última cosa, el blog que vais a ver lo he creado con mis manitas en un solo día. Ya vereís que la cosa tiene mérito.
Ahora en compensación espero que lo envieis por lo menos a diez personas. Si lo haceís, se os concederá un deseo de dos que pidais. Si alguno lee Fortearius y no lo envía a nadie, que sepaís que hareís llorar a un gatito en algún lugar del mundo.



It was already taking time wondering what to do with my folders of nice photos on the mass, sacred ornaments and liturgical celebrations in general.
It was making me sad to have them for me alone. They were so nice and, nevertheless, they were lying kept in the secret attics of my computer.
Today I have decided to give them exit in the shape of blog. A blog that I am not going to update every day, not much less. But where I will be overturning so many beauty, beauty that takes God.
Only I can only say to you that the name of the blog is Fortearius and that this is his direction
A last thing, the blog that you are going to see has been created by me with my handymen in only one day. Already vereís that the thing has merit.
Now in compensation I hope that you should send it at least to ten persons. If the haceís, will grant to you a desire of two for that you ask. If someone reads Fortearius and does not send it to anybody, that sepaís that hareís to cry to a kitten in any place of the world.

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